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Register to join our network

Haulier Regieration

Here at Keedwell Konnect, we are continually looking to expand our network of partner hauliers throughout the UK. We offer daily ad hoc loads or alternatively we can look to allocate lanes to hauliers where suitable to provide a level of certainty to those hauliers that are looking to generate repeat traffic flows.

If you would like to become an approved haulier and gain access to over 500 loads nationwide on a weekly basis then simply complete & return the ‘New subcontractor pack’ below along with the listed documents shown;

  1. Goods in transit
  2. Employer / Public liability
  3. Motor insurance
  4. Operator’s licence
  5. Waste licence (if available)
Download New subcontractor pack
Returning your documents

Please email documents to:

Or alternatively post to:

Keedwell Konnect
Manor Farm
BS26 2SL

Haulier Set Up

We are continually looking to work with new hauliers within the UK and throughout Europe and can offer various options for engagement to suit each haulier’s circumstances and requirements.